Temperature update : April-May heat in September, due to no clouds formation

by amolwarankar

New Delhi: Monsoon is in its end phase. It is currently offering its last few showers in different parts of India. However, the temperature have risen sharply in September in different parts of the country. Many regions have faced the heat like April-May summer in September. According to experts, along with climate change, other reason behind it is the insuffienct clouds. This time sky did not mad enough clouds.

As per the Sanjeev Gupta’s report from New Delhi, usually, the maximum temperature in the first 7 days of September was 34.3 degrees, but this time Delhi has recorded more than 36 degrees.

On Friday, Delhi’s maximum temperature was 38.0 degrees, three degrees above normal. This is the highest maximum temperature of 2011 to 2020 as of September 18. Similarly, during September 8 to 17, the maximum temperature should be 33.7 to 33.8 degrees, but this year it was recorded above 37 degrees. The climate change is responsible for these conditions and also the lessen number of clouds formation. The rays of the sun are directly reaching the earth.

According to Mahesh Palawat, chief meteorologist at Skymet Weather, before the clouds were formed even at an altitude of 8 to 10 thousand then also it would shower little rain. However, now these clouds have started forming at an altitude of 35 to 50 thousand feet and still has rain drizzles. Local pollution and decreasing forest area are also responsible for this changed pattern of heat and rain.

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