Benami Properties: Robert Vadra’s statement recorded by Income Tax

by sajada123
Benami Properties

New Delhi: The Income Tax Department officers on Monday started recording the statement of Robert Vadra in connection with a benami properties case.

An IT department source related to the probe told IANS, “An I-T team is at Vadra’s residence to record his statement in the Benami properties matter.”

Vadra is Congress President Sonia Gandhi’s son-in-law and is married to Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi.

He has been unable to join the probe due to the Covid pandemic.

Besides the IT department, Vadra is being investigated by the Enforcement Department under the provisions of Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) pertaining to allegations of money laundering in the purchase of a London-based property at 12, Bryanston Square, worth 1.9 million pound.

It is alleged that the said property is allegedly owned by him. He is currently out on an anticipatory bail.

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