Feeling burning sensation in chest, follow ‘these’ tips

by pranjalipargaonkar

Pune: Most of the time humans feel irritation in the chest; this usually occurs when people tend to eat more spicy and fried foods. There is no other reason for causing chest irritation. It is basically the event of stomach acid formation. Especially after eating food at night, there is pain in the chest which is a bit ticklish. Sometimes it happens that the pain increases even more by lying down or bending, due to which a person is neither able to work nor can sit or sleep in peace. Here are a few solutions to the problem of chest irritations.

Ginger is beneficial in chest irritation problem

Ginger is considered rich in medicinal properties. This is very effective for chest irritation problems as well. Whenever there is a burning sensation in your chest after eating food, chew ginger or consume it in the tea. This will provide considerable relief.

Cold milk provides relief from heartburn

Milk is not only considered beneficial for the bones, it is also one of the effective measures to relieve heartburn. For this, you can take a glass of cold milk or add a teaspoon of honey in the milk and drink it at night. This will give immediate relief to the problem of heartburn.

Amla can also provide relief

Consuming Amla can save you from many diseases. It is one of the effective measures to relieve chest irritation. One can also eat raw amla or it is better to take half a teaspoon of gooseberry powder with a glass of water. It can soothe your chest irritation immediately.

Banana is also beneficial in chest irritation

Banana is a very beneficial fruit, which helps to soothe chest irritation. So whenever you have a burning sensation in the chest, eat bananas immediately. This will calm your chest irritation and make you feel relieved.

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