LIC : Just Pay 1 Time Premium, Get A Pension Of Rs 24,000 Every Month

by pranjalipargaonkar

New Delhi : It is wise to prepare in advance for retirement. Arranging monthly pension is the best option for a peaceful retired life. Due to this, even after retiring from this, you will continue to get monthly income. There are many pension paying government schemes, but they have to be deposited for a long time. Here we will tell you about such a retirement scheme of LIC, in which you have to pay only one time premium and you will get a monthly pension of 24 thousand rupees. The name of this policy of LIC is Jeevan Akshay. Let’s know about the life insurance policy of LIC, the country’s largest insurance company.

Lifetime guarantee of income
LIC has recently introduced this policy with monthly pension. In this policy, you can get a pension every month and you have to pay only once. This policy is much preferred by those who take or invest in pension policy. However, LIC has laid certain conditions, only on fulfilling which you can get the benefit of this policy. Let’s know the complete details.

There are 10 different options in this plan. Jeevan Akshay is an annuity scheme, which benefits as income after a certain period of time, including interest on the money invested. You get this income every month. As we said, this is an intermediate annuity plan, so you can have 10 different options to avail the benefit.

Out of 10, you will be allowed to choose a single option as per your convenience. LIC Jeevan Akshay Policy can be purchased with an investment of at least 1 lakh rupees. Only people between 30 and 85 years of age can buy this policy.

Jeevan Akshay policy will provide you a pension of 24 thousand rupees every month with one time investment. If you want to get a pension immediately, remember that you have to choose option ‘A’. Option A here means Annuity payable for life at a uniform rate. Understand that if you are 34 years old and you pay a premium of Rs 50.90 lakh, then your Sum Assured will be Rs 50,00,000. After this, your pension of Rs 24,063 will start every month.

You will have 4 options for pension. That is, you can take a pension every month if you want. Otherwise you will also have the option of taking pension once a quarter, half yearly and once a year. In addition to Rs 24,063 a month, you will be paid Rs 2,97,250 annually, Rs 1,46,375 on half-yearly and Rs 72,500 on quarterly basis.

When do you get pension
Significantly, under this policy, pension is given as long as the policyholder is alive. The pension ceases after the policyholder dies.

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