Blood Sugar Testing Tips : How to take safe test and derive accurate results

by amolwarankar

New Delhi: The ever changing lifestyles and food habits have caused us variety of disease. The new generation is also suffering from diseases like sugar at very young age. Diabetes is a disease caused by the changing lifestyle that is afflicting people of any age. If it is not tested from time to time, it can cause more health implications and lead to many more diseases. It is not possible to go to the doctor daily to do a sugar test, so people do a sugar test at home. Glucometers are commonly used to perform blood sugar tests. However, sometimes the home teated sugar test are wrongly done deriving vague results. If you also do tests at home, then correct these mistakes.

• Sugar is tested twice, once on an empty stomach and after eating. We check the sugar on empty stomach properly, but after breakfast we make a mess in doing the sugar test. Do not check your sugar immediately after breakfast. Do your tests after 2 hours of eating, it will give you exact blood sugar levels.

• Before using a glucometer to check for sugar, clean your hands thoroughly with soap and water and allow them to dry. Wipe the machine with a cloth before using.

• Sugar tests are done once a day. To test the sugar, a needle is pierced in the finger. Note that do not do the test by repeatedly pricking the needle in the same finger. By pricking the needle several times in one place, it will not only cause you but it can also cause you injury which is difficult to recover for sugar patient. Therefore, do not remove blood from the same finger every time.

• There are many people who keep using the same needle for a long time in the pursuit of saving. Prolonged use of a needle can cause infection. So do not use the same needle every time. When we do a blood sugar test, use a needle between 3-4 to remove blood from the finger.

• Keep hands clean and dry while doing blood sugar test. Keep in mind that your hands are clean so that there is no risk of infection.

• If you are going to buy a glucometer, buy it only by asking your doctor.

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