Have Sinus ! look for remedies ‘here’

by amolwarankar

Pune: The changing weather causes seasonal disease. More frequently when there is a sunny day and suddenly the cold winds start blowing or sudden rain after hot sun rays shower. The change in climatic conditions affects the human body adversely leading them to fall sick. In the changing season, people often fall prey to colds. The one major problem that arises from frequent cold is Sinus problems. Sinus occurs due to being sensitive to seasonal diseases, it starts with allergies and colds. Many times sinus is not detected and we consider it to be nasal jam. So as a treatment most of the people take painkillers and use inhalers. There are a few homemade remedies which can help one get rid of the sinuses.

Infections, allergies, colds, and chemical irritation can cause sinuses. The symptoms are-

· Mild on the face, fever

· Ear and teeth pain

· Trouble breathing in nose

· Sore throat

· Swollen face

· Continuous sneezing

· Headache while looking down

Home Remedy

· Steam off

Sinus problems often result in water coming from the nose. In this case, steam is very beneficial. Take hot water in a vessel and cover the mouth using towels. As the steam of hot water enters your nose, your nose will open completely. You will get relief by taking steam. You can also add mint leaves to steam water.

· Hot beverages

If there is a sinus problem, then the consumption of hot drinks gives relief. Drinking a hot drink opens the closed nose. Ayurvedic tea or decoction will be more beneficial. Taking alcohol can cause harm in sinus problems. Do not forget it too.

· Place a hot towel on your face

The nose is often closed in the sinus, due to which the head feels a bit heavy. In this case, soak a towel in hot water and cover your face with it. You will get relief from this problem.

· Adequate rest

Working for too long while sitting continuously can aggravate sinus problems. To get quick relief from sinus problems, one should take maximum rest.

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