5 remedies to deal with Constipation

by amolwarankar

Pune: Due to changing lifestyle, the stomach gets upset. The major problems are irregular eating and improper intake of water. If the stomach is not cleaned properly in the morning, the problem of elimination increases. If that happens, whole systems get disturbed. Constipation can also occur due to drinking less water. Your colon’s main job is to absorb water from residual food as it’s passing through your digestive system. It then creates stool. Poor diet frequently causes constipation. Dietary fiber and adequate water intake are necessary to help keep stools soft. In the condition of constipation, the stomach often feels heavy without eating anything. Sometimes the stomach swells, sometimes gas starts forming in the stomach. If you have constipation problems, you can get solutions from home remedies without medicines also. Here we are five such easy home remedies:

· Eat an apple every morning as soon as you wake up. Apples contain fiber which is beneficial for the body. Many times doctors’ advice the same. Actually, eating apples is beneficial for health. It will keep you away from many diseases and your stomach will also be clean.

· If there is a problem of constipation, a powder made of medicinal herbs gives relief. For this, mix 10 grams celery, 10 grams triphala and 10 grams rock salt. Now grind it. Take three to five grams of this powder with lukewarm water daily. You will get relief from constipation very soon.

· It is advisable to eat tamarind and jaggery sauce in the problem of constipation. Tamarind is found to have antioxidants, so be sure to include its sauce in food. By using it, your stomach will remain clean and constipation problems will also be relieved.

· Soda also helps the most. Take soda in water and drink it. Eating soda is very beneficial in constipation problems. It works like Eno in a way. It clears your stomach and constipation problems will also go away.

· Cumin and celery water are of great use. This is called ‘magical water’ for the stomach. This increases your body’s metabolism and strengthens digestive power. If you drink cumin and celery water every day in the morning, then your chronic constipation problem can be eliminated from the root. Along with this, the problem of acidity is also overcome.

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